I hate Monday mornings, and the weather was wet & miserable this morning although closer look and I quickly found some beauty to brighten my day. Happy Monday everyone! Photo’s from: The Royal Canal Way, Coolmine, D15, Ireland.
Hi @Jim_Allen ,
Your first photo is very well detailed. Did you take it with your phone or with DSLR camera? Nowadays, I only use my phone for capturing photos and you can really have great quality.
We definitely need to brighten our days as fall is coming and at least here, it gets a bit grey and gloomy.
Thanks for sharing your photos!
Hi @DanniS
Thanks and, I agree some phones have great camera’s nowadays.
This shot, however, was taken with my new bridge camera (Sony DSC-HX400V) that I purchased last week. Still in the phase of testing it & getting used it as every camera is slightly different.
Best, Jim
@Jim_Allen That’s great! Looking forward to see more amazing photos then. Do you have any special type of photography you like shooting most?
Hi @DanniS
Mostly landscapes & local wildlife, Ireland has some stunning scenery so I am very fortunate. This latest camera was my step up from the phone & my old camera that was 9 years old so very much outdated.
Looking forward to testing the new camera out more and ill be sure post a few pictures when I get nice ones.