Moment Photograph Travel To Strawberry Garden Place - Since 2014 In Indonesian ,Subang-

you guys must come to strawberry garden subang, this place who has visited by Indonesian artist ruben onus in tv channel with a title ‘Survival Let’s Get Lost’ In trans tv channel Indonesian, this garden is full of strawberry and the view are awesome the best recommended place for you as tourist to visit this best place


Very nice photography

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thank you… you too have some great photo and creative of event :smile:

Hey @rulyce23 ,

When you visit these gardens do you usually can pick up strawberries for yourself? Do you have to pay for them?

Just to let you know, I have also removed the Indonesian language tag of your post.

P.S.: Just as a reminder, don’t forget when responding to others make sure to tag them (by writing @ before their names) in a post so they can receive notifications that you are communicating with them.

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