moje mapy google - klikam i nic się nie otwiera

moje mapy google - klikam i nic się nie otwiera - a n adysku google zapisuje się plik [ mapa bez nazwy]

czemu to nie działa?


Hi @SebiKR

Can you please better explain the issue?

To be able to open a Map that has not been created with the account that you are using the Map need to be “shared publicly” by the author.

If the Map is “private” even with the link you will not be able to open it.

In addition there are other issues that you can experience if you are on mobile:

I have no problem in Opening the My Maps on desktop (see below), but on mobile the interaction between My Maps and Google maps App is a bit weird

By default a link of a My Map on mobile is “calling” for the map to be opened in Google Maps App. Normally the map will open, but it will work in a very bad way.

If you want to open a My Maps on mobile, it is better to keep the link pressed and select “open in a new window” in the pop-up. In this way you will open the Map in the browser, and it will work well.

Can you share the link of the Map that you cannot open?

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jak klikam [moje mapy ] to mam ekran jak poniżej - po prostu biały ekran

Hi @SebiKR


working better for you?




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każdy z podanych linków działa tak samo …czyli nie działa :disappointed: - pokazuje się biały ekran.

Ok, @SebiKR

A few questions for you:

  • were the missing maps created by you using Google my Maps, or by others and shared to you?
  • Does the Maps belongs to this account, or to another one?

When you create a Map with Google My Maps, the map is stored in Google Drive: . If the map has been deleted you will be able to restore it from the trash folder for 30 days ( )

If the Maps were “shared” to you, the visibility depends of the status decided by the author of the Map. If the author made the maps “private” you will not be able to access to them anymore

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