Mission to find the Best Vegetarian Restaurant in the World

Being a vegetarian in the U.S. could be daunting as not all restaurants serve quality vegetarian food. Currently, Google Maps does not give you any option of whether a specific restaurant that serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is famous for it’s vegetarian food from its ratings. However, being a local guide, I like to leverage Google maps on sharing my views on which restaurants serves sumptuous and top notch vegetarian food to the 10 million vegetarian community in the U.S and tourists from the world.

Whenever I review a restaurant I see the following parameters -

  1. Cleanliness - How clean is the restaurant? How clean are the silverware?

  2. Appetizing - Delicious rating of the food being served

  3. Service - Promptness in the food being served and the order of the food being taken.

  4. Menu Options - Breadth of Vegetarian options in the menu

I then rate each of the above parameters out of 5 and use the vegetarian friendly metric as mentioned below -

Vegetarian Friendly Metric = (Cleanliness + Appetizing + Service + Menu Options) / 4

I would love to hear any feedback or happy to solve any questions from the local guide community.

Let us all together find the Best Vegetarian Restaurant in the World.

Pictures of few awesome vegetarian places around NYC -