Does anyone knows about an updated solution to the issue that suddenly images are disappearing from the “Pictures” tab in the contributions area?
this is what is see
Does anyone knows about an updated solution to the issue that suddenly images are disappearing from the “Pictures” tab in the contributions area?
this is what is see
That’s a common issue @theStarman
Wait for some time and try again.
If that doesn’t work then clear the app cache and try again.
Also, check whether you are able to see those on a desktop in the guest mode or incognito mode.
Hi @theStarman , this seems to be just a synchronisation issue. I can’t see your photos on the photos tab, but your photos are counted on your contributions, and are visible on your review.
This kind of issue are normally self fixed on 24 hours, and sometimes logout from maps, clear cache and login again, as indicated by @C_T , helps to fix the issue.
Btw, don’t worry. As your photos are visible, even if in an indirect way, and counted, you are not going to loose points
Update: As far as I can see, your photos are slowly returning visible @theStarman
Can you confirm this on your view?
thank you @C_T
thanks @ErmesT
at the moment i can see only the few last uploads… not all of them…
in the mobile app, they all still missing.
maybe i just need some patient
thank you for your help
Hi, @ErmesT
I forgot to mention that i noticed that a few weeks back have been deleted from my time line also, this is strange…
in those days some pics were uploaded and pictures are located on the maps all around, while those days spearing empty on my time line
Hi @theStarman
You can check all the photos uploaded by you in here: https://get.google.com/albumarchive
In there you will find all the photos in your storage (not only the ones you uploaded in Maps). You can use that folder to check the shared status of the photos.
On the top left corner of every album, and on the bottom left of every photo, you can see the status: Public; Private; Partial (shared with specific persons only).
In this way you can verify if your photos, even if actually not visible to you in Google Maps, has been uploaded.
Of course you can also check your photos in the business listing, and attached on your reviews, if you wrote a review.
Thanks @ErmesT
I see them, but still see some black holes in between :))
I will be patient with that