Missing information at my contributions page

Respected Sir

As above mentioned subject I wish inform to you my Contributions points and Fact finder badge showing incorrect information at my contributions page of Google Map.

So you are requested to resolve the issue.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

Jaypal Inaniyan


Hello @Jaypalinaniyan

There are three prerequisites to get the novice fact-finder badge: -1. Suggest three edits 2. Verify three edits 3. Choose answers for 25 questions.
It appears that your answer count has gone down to 13.
You need to check the privacy setting in “My activity”. That might have been set to delete answers after a regular interval.
I suggest you go through this post to know more about that.

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Respected Sir,

As previously I have already told to Google team that from last 1 month my “Master Fact finder badge” , contributions points and photos views are missing but none action taken against this issue by authorities. This is really disappointal issue for me and this led down morals of contributer.

It’s my humble and last request to Google team that resolve the issue as soon as, otherwise this may be cause for discontinue with Google.

With Regards

  • Jaypal Inaniyan

Hi @Jaypalinaniyan we are sorry to heart that you have been experiencing this problem for that long without getting assisted here. Whenever you have problems regarding the local guides program, you are welcome to tag any Moderator, but do not tag all of them at once, and you can only do this when it is agent. If you have issues you can also report them trough the Google Maps apps as send feedback, here is how to report How do I report a problem on Google Maps?.

For this kind of issues, normally they resolve them selves after sometime, as you know that the local guide program is always improving, it might happen that it was because of some updates done at the back ground. Sometimes it might happen that you need to clear your cache on your device, logout and login again. These are simple steps that we normally do when having these kind of issues, if they do not get solved after these few steps, it might be something related to your contribution, which might be violation of rules and policies resulting to lost of points and badges, see this link Prohibited and Restricted Content and I would like to remind you that while we still expect points and badges, it is a good thing to remember why we are local guides and we do this without expecting to get paid or even getting points, they are there for us but they do not define what we do. See this post on Why be a Local Guide?

I am sure someone will respond to you from our team, if not today, they will from Monday, as Googlers are normally off duty on weekends. I am tagging one of the Googlers to assist us, hi @Petra_M please help us here. Cheers!

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Hi @Raphael-Mahumane ,

Thanks for tagging me!

@Jaypalinaniyan , I’d like to let you know, that I’m merging your post to the previous one. Please check @C_T 's suggestion about ‘My Activity’.

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