I think even with COVID-19, we need to live our life happy and safe.
Those cookies are for Christmas 2020. Shortbread cookies with royal icing.
What do you think LG friends? Do we need to stop everything and just thinking about Covid-19 or enjoying our time and Be Safe? I do that. What’s your plans for Christmas this year 2020?
Ps: As LG, I have to take good shooting food. Thanks to LG Team who taught us how to take good pictures.
My family and I have been baking Christmas and Holiday goodies for the last 4 weeks, @SunshineNY ! Haystacks, chocolate chip cookies, shortbread, eggnog pound cake, magic bars, etc. What is your favorite holiday treat?
Wow your creation and photo are incredibly beautiful @SunshineNY
Answering your question above, I definitely choose to enjoy my time and be safe. What will I do on Christmas day? Well, probably staying at home is the best way while gathering together with family and attending a mass virtually. Going to the shopping mall near my area by practicing health protocols and physical distancing could be a good way.
@JordanSB , that’s cool, the whole family are baking Christmas goodies. I can imagine it and I love it. Some serious and others having fun with the dough lol. I missed that team work.
My favorite treat the shortbread in Christmas and the pecan pie bar in Thanksgiving.
@SunshineNY Wow! Lovely Christmas cookies. I was wondering if you’ve heard of my #ChristmasInMyCity 2021 world wide challenge? Thought I’d mention it in case you’d like to participate?
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