Buenos días, estoy viendo que hay algunas personas que tienen muchas menos reseñas , fotos, preguntas respondidas, video, etcétera , y tienen nivel 7 y más puntuación por ejemplo que yo , no entiendo , me costó mucho conseguir más de 5000 puntos , y he visto a un señor que con 116 reseñas y pocas fotos tiene más puntos
Contents that not adhere to the policy are flagged as “private” and will not give points.
As this is your first time here, 14 helpful tips for using Connect will give you some tips on how to best participate and interact in this community.
We have a perfect topic for this kind of question: the place is How To
Here, you can get information on how to write helpful reviews, ways to guide others in your area, and more. You’ll learn how to become an even better mapper and help newbies discover what it means to be a Local Guide.
Use this section to ask questions or share tips for Local Guides who want to make more helpful contributions.
What @ErmesT was suggesting you was right on point to answer your question and doubts. As this is not a topic connected to Local Stories I will move it into the How-tos section, as we usually got there all the topic related to doubts or how to find things on Connect.