I believe that change is part of human nature. When I think about who I was five years ago and who I am now, I feel grateful for everything I have learned. At the same time I feel the responsibility of passing this knowledge forward.
I almost forgot to introduce myself… Hi! I’m Glenda Aune Conrad and I’m 24 years old. I was born in the United States and raised in Brazil, where I studied media and communication. I currently live in Colombia, where I am pursuing a master’s degree in design. I think I’ll follow an academic career. I am always open to changes: moving to different countries and changing my thoughts and behaviours!
My master’s thesis’ theme is “Mending as a resistance metaphor: facing consumerism from a feminist perspective through daily subtle activism.” Knowing that design has been accompanied by a number of historical changes, I believe that it is urgent to rethink it according to current sociocultural needs, not only to remedy the reality of overflowing landfills, but also to generate a collective awareness about the real needs of the planet. In my research, I present mending as a powerful action to face consumerism through the lens of feminist theories.
I believe that subtle actions in the everyday domestic environment are very powerful to curb the misguided consumption practices cultivated by mankind in the postindustrial period. About a year ago, I decided that I would not buy more clothes and only exchange, maintain and mend hat I already had. I vowed to always prioritize small producers and thrift shops too. My anti-consumption journey is just beginning, but I believe that by consuming less we can have a better quality of life.
"But … what about when you’re not studying? What are your hobbies? " Well, when I’m not studying or mending, the things that makes me happy are organizing my belongings, photographing food and tasting new flavors, especially when they are unique and original restaurant dishes. Autochthonous, author, fusion and sustainable cuisine reinforce my belief in the importance of rescuing a slower lifestyle for a more enjoyable life.
I feel very happy sharing what I learn in my daily life. Being a Google Local Guide is fascinating because it offers the possibility to share what I consider good so that more people have access to these experiences. A while ago I registered the vegetarian restaurant of a Brazilian friend on Google Maps. A few days later, she messaged to thanking me because many people who searched Google for “vegetarian restaurant” in that region began to frequent the place. This kind of event is very rewarding! There is nothing more rewarding than helping independent business and a good cause propel.
I believe that slowing down the pace in various areas of life, such as food, clothing and consumption, has the potential to improve our lifestyle and make the world a better and more beautiful place to live.
I do not yet master all the tools and resources available to Local Guides, but I would love to learn and better utilize them to create more relevant content that can motivate and inspire people to have more sustainable habits and a better lifestyle.