What is the meaning for my being a Local Guide? Well, this started 3 or 4 years ago.
I started in google maps, only puting the mark that the place that i been in my city, but when i traveled to other country i saw the very important in my live it is google maps.
It’s not only for see the places, for me was my lifeguard, i never lose myself in a huge city. The first place that i been was New York city, and a city like new york its important always have a schedule and know if the place where you will go it’s open or where it is. So there i am,the first look to a new city and the new country at 3am.
But my adventure it was just the begining.
That year i felt like a should share my opinion or help to other in the same situation, so i started to put my opinion in every place there i went. New York City, Vermont, Cleveland, and my google maps was part of it.
After 3 months i went to spain for studies and my passion for see the world and help to others to see the wonderful places that i saw it was more and more. At the time i meet the people that marked my heart, always we have a favorite place to go, to have fun.
So that’s why the contributions of local guides or travelers like me, gave me the oportunity for see the world. So, that is my story and why google maps means a lot to me. I was in a lot of places and i want that the poeple comes to my country and feel the love that i feld taht 10 months that my life.
I’m so exited to know why google maps is important for you. I hope to see you soon in Local Guide Connect 2020!!