Meetups for Tech Discussions which will help community to connect with each other & grow together !


**I’ve an idea :thinking: “How we can plan to have Meetups for Tech Discussions in the Local community” which will help definitely help :raised_hands: community to connect with each other & grow together !

I will try to explain in short which is as follows :hugs: :

➜ Background: (What brought me here to think of this idea)

I’m currently working here in a tech company :keyboard: in Dublin and I love travelling and meeting up with new people. :people_holding_hands: :two_men_holding_hands:

Often, I’ve interacted with some people who are really keen to learn new things in life and also tech :man_technologist: . But they are usually need guidance :man_teacher: on where to start and also they are afraid :scream: since they think that Meetups are for just casual conversations :sun_behind_small_cloud: on having a pint or just to explore :national_park: some place together. But actually it could be more than this which could add a value to anyone around the world and a local guide can help them if required and it will be great use of one’s time :timer_clock: and also it will add a value to his life personally :family_man_woman_boy: and also professionally :man_office_worker: :man_technologist: .

➜****Short Summary:

As we are aware that Local Guides is a global community of explorers who write reviews :writing_hand: , share photos :camera_flash: , answer questions :grey_question: , add or edit places :heavy_plus_sign: , and check facts on Google Maps :world_map: . But if we have this idea implemented then we could also create a large impact on the people who would like to meetup and grow in their life.

For example:

A person working in 9-5 Job :office: and would like to go out in the evening :coffee: and there are a lot of professional plans in his mind :bulb: and if Google will provide them a platform :flight_departure: where he could meet a Local Tech guide :keyboard: to assist him for career guidance :man_teacher: or any level of assistance along with what we usually offer by Local guide connect which could add a value to him as well to his family also to the global community to grow. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

We truly believe that any level of**“Help” :handshake:** which is a100% free gift :gift: to anyoneis the most precious thing to receive from someone. :heartbeat: That will create an impact for sure !

:heart_eyes: I’m ready to host something for the first time over any weekend here in Dublin (Ireland) :heart_eyes:

Looking forward to hear from you on this if this can be implemented to get connected with people and communities together :blush:


Dinesh Rathee

Website, Facebook, Twitter

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Hi @DineshRathee12 ,

Thanks for sharing!

The only way to organize meet-ups is to use our platform as you mentioned. Local Guides who are interested in this technical topic will join and you can discuss how to improve Google Maps or Connect.

PS: I’m moving your post to the Meet-ups section.

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Thanks @Petra_M for your help and guidance , Truly appreciated !

I will research more on this section we have under MeetUps & also Google Moderators and will reach out incase I need your help :slightly_smiling_face:

For now, I’ve submitted the request to Host MeetUp which is under approval stage. Will wait for this week if it gets approved and then will execute it further sharing in connections to gather some audience :slightly_smiling_face: