Meetup so we can teach how to Contribute

Hello Everyone,

I was thinking that most of us in Pakistan have Smart Phones, some of them can use Google Maps, but only a few of them are using Google Contributions.

Why not we create a group of people and do a meetup, call people who are unable to use Google Contribution the best way, teach them how to use them, share our knowledge and we learn from each other too.

Then we can walk all together into the streets and ask random people using smartphones and teach them about Google Contributions and tell them about the Perks and will get to motivate them.

With this, we can make a huge community in our country which can be shown globally.

What do you guys think?


It could be a good way to find like minded people.

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Great, lets share this everywhere

@Ahsan wrote:

It could be a good way to find like minded people.

so we can create a whole team

agreed but what we will get from this meet up i mean what people or joiner will gain after this meetup?

@Mehboob we will guide them and share knowledge with each other how to use Google Contribution in the best way and we can make a huge community from Pakistan.
and yes google is giving perks on Contribution levels

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The idea of creating group for this purpose sounds great when I think of perks google could offer to us folks who contribute to google maps. Truly speaking, I am a level 5 local guide and still don’t know what perks I could get from google. I have been contributing google maps since very long but wasn’t connected to Local Guides. I knew being a level 5 contributor only after I have connected to local guides which itself is a platform to meet and teach how to contribute. I would suggest we should encourage our friends and other interested people to get connected to Local Guides and start contributing rather than go to streets and meet every ‘smart-phone-using-person’ to teach things around.

We should try to meet face to face. Join my meet up plan tomorrow if it will be easy for you… or I can change the location. It can be near Clifton also. Because i also want to learn many things about Google local guide.

1st Perk is the Google Account 100 GB Space for the whole year which is good.
Most of all the best perk is Google Summit, if any one get selected this is a huge opportunity to explore the world and meet other people around the world. which is totally sponsored by google.

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Brothers @hozaifaejaz @KashifMisidia @Explorer4Fun @Mehboob and @Ahsan warm welcome and feeling happy by your great thinking, please have a look at Pakistan Local Guides Group where you will find almost 100 Local Guides from different cities of Pakistan and there is Pakistan Local Guides Hangouts Group as well for video conference where you will find some very active Pakistan Local Guides like @Haseeb @NisarSindhi @HashimN @NabilhaNif @user_not_found and many other active guides


Ata Ur Rehman