Meetup Plannings To Celebrate Sri Lanka's Independence Day!

Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce that I’m planning a meetup to celebrate Sri Lanka’s Independence Day! :tada: I think it would be amazing to come together as a community and honor this special day with some fun activities, good conversations, and, of course, a whole lot of Sri Lankan pride! :blue_heart:

But before I finalize the details, I’d love to hear your thoughts! :thinking:

  • What time would work best for everyone?
  • Any specific activities or ideas you’d like to see included in the meetup?
  • Suggestions for food, games, or ways to make the day more memorable?

Feel free to drop your opinions, recommendations, and thoughts in the comments below! Let’s make this a celebration that reflects what makes Sri Lanka so special! :sri_lanka::sparkles:

Looking forward to hearing from all of you! :blush:


Hello @praveenkumar2022 ,
I’m so glad that you are thinking about celebrate Sri Lanka 's independence day in Local guides style :blush:
I visited twice to Sri Lanka, only Colombo, and I really love that city.
For your idea about connecting with Local Guides Community, I would love to guide you.

For the first step, You may search the community for mentions of the Local Guides Community in

by “Search” option on Local Guides Connect.

And secondly, as you mentioned,

If you want to connect with other Local Guides in your area, you have many options and I’ll try to summarize them for you:

For more information, you can also take a look at this helpful post by my friend who kindly tag me in this post @TusharSuradkar

How to Connect with Local Guides in Your Area - 7 Pro Tips.

I’m tagging my friend @ravindus from Sri Lanka , maybe he can help you to share more details like contact of other local guides who are willing to join you.
All the best :smiling_face:


Thankyou so much @KashifMisidia sir. I’ll try to organize a meetup with all your tips and guidance :heart:.

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