Meet ups

Hi All ,

I am Vinay Srivastava , from Mumbai ,

can we arrange one meet up in Goregaon East Mumbai.




Hello @VINAY9

Welcome welcome to local guides connect forum. This is a nice idea and well-done for such initiative. Maybe @NareshDarji from India might like to connect you to Mumbai local guides.

Nevertheless I’ll urge you to kindly take a moment to understand the forum and see how it goes here. Then you can go ahead with your meet-up.

On this forum we discuss topics like Travel, Photography, Food and Drinks, and many other topics. Please endeavour to look up this posts Your Guide to Connect for more information on what topics are discussed here.

Generally speaking I often present A Welcome-to-Connect-Card . This card is like a brief orientation and introduction to connect as forum. It also has details about meet-up in it.

The card is animated to facilitate easy reading and understanding as well. You will find links to other posts on connect that might be useful for you as you navigate the forum. Kindly look up the post.

If you have a moment to spare as well could you kindly tell us more about yourself and your activities as a local guide. There is a Introduce-Yourself-April-2023 monthly thread. Please feel free to introduce yourself to us. Have fun,enjoy connect and participate actively.

Happy guiding


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