How to organize a meet up yet I don’t know others local guides in my community.
What take place during meet - up?
Hello members, is there any meet - ups in Jinja Uganda? I would like to attend if there is.
@Rozandria I never join the meet-up or to be who setting the meet-up yet but as I know Google LG team has process to set the meet up for you. If you want to join meet-up. This event will be feed on our home which let us know how we can join.
Check this link out @Rozandria @duenbenz
@TheEagleEye thanks a lot for more information.
You can search for Meetups near you at @Rozandria I will merge this with your other Meetup question.
You can create a Meetup at so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.
Have a read of How to Organise a Local Guides Meetup and HowTo: Leading a Photo/Food/Geo Walk
I hope your Meetup goes well.
Regards Paul
@duenbenz yes I would like to join the meet ups, please email me.
@TheEagleEye Thank you.