Hello everyone, any Local Guides Meet-Ups around Accra that i can be a part of? I’ve been very dormant in a long while.
It’s nice to see Accra has active Local Guides.
I spent many weeks and months in Ghana between 2012 and 2015. I added many photos of conference halls, hotels and tourist places to maps as I travelled. I regarded the country as my second home for so long!
Wow, that’s very nice. What is even nicer is to hear you say that you regarded this place as your second home.
Accra has active Local Guides but to me I think the problem is finding them hence the meet-up.
I also do add photos and reviews to maps but I’ve been wanting to meet other Guides to make friends and most importantly share great ideas thus this post.
@Loopldee make sure to keep in touch the next time you visit.
Hello @Ekorli
Welcome to local guide connect,
For meet-ups, you can search through the Local Guides meet-up site here. Search based on your city.
If you don’t find any meet up near where you live, you can plan your own personal Local Guides meet-up. Use the resources in the link above as a guide on how to organize one. And read the many recaps in LG Connect.
And If you are new here and If you are interested in finding more ways how you can make your photo posts more engaging, in this good topic What makes a good post ? you’ll find everything you need to know.
In addition, since you’re new to the community, you might want to share a bit about yourself and get to know others in our monthly Introduce yourself November. You can also read these Tips : Using local Guides Connect
I hope you find this information useful. And when ever you need any further help, you can Pm me.
Thank you .
Hey @KashifMisidia ,
First of all thanks very much for the welcome and also hell yeah, that info was way useful especially since i’m new to the community. i feel like i’m in school now and the teacher is doing a great job. thumbs up for that.
I did a search for meet-ups from the link you posted**(https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup)** based on my city and even though i tried to broaden the filter, i still didn’t find any results.
So now i’m going to do the next thing you said, i.e. use the resources in the link to plan and organize my own personal Local Guides meet-up and see how that goes.
I’ll come back here if i need any further help and also i’ll keep you’ll updated.
Yes sure @Ekorli you can PM me any time or mention at any post. I can guide you.
We all will be wait for a great post from your side. You can post at local guides connect about travel, food, meetups and many other categories.
Check this , for an idea for a Meetup.
Hey @Ekorli . I want to introduce you the meetup champions , they are fantastic teachers and great local guides @IlankovanT and @MahabubMunna @… just check thier meetup posts… you can learn more about meetups.
Take care