Meet Ups are the salt in the soup for Local Guides

When I started in 2016 to load up my first pictures to Google Maps, I wasn’t aware about how much this can have an impact on my daily life in the future. In fact until April 2018 to upload pictures was only my personal quirk. No idea about, that other people have the same main hobby. I did start this, because I moved to a new town (to work during the week) without my family and in the night it was boring. So I started to load up pictures I took when traveling and traveling I really love.

In April 2018 I suddenly received a contact request via a different plattform, with the question if this is me, who do load up so many pictures on GoogleMaps. It was @JeanRV . He told me that there is as well a big community here on Localguidesconnect. So, after some posts my jorney did start.

Year 2018:

The first meeting was in Nürnberg. Here I met as well with once the Connect Moderator @LudwigGermany first, but not the last time:

When I was in holidays with my family in Italy I received invites to two great Local Guides. I remember the discussion with my wife. She was really afraid that I did plan to meet some LG I did not know. Internet… OMG. But ! :

First I did meet @manulele81 in Norcia. This meeting in the earth quake area was so important for me, to see the power of the Community. I’m still totally overwhelmed of the power the people have AND the hospitality of this great local guide Emanuelle !

When we finnished our trip to Umbria, we received an invite from the famous couple Antonella and @ErmesT . Fantastic Pizza and a nice quick trip through Treviso. AND my wife did recognise that I’m not the only crazy person addicted by LocalGuidesconnect and GoogleMaps :wink:

When I organised my first meet up in Munich, I thought I got my first “setback”, as only myself took part :wink: :

But when I organised on in Heilbronn suddenly 7 people joined. Not all of them are Local Guides, but they like the community. Possible it was due to @barrazacarlos who took some students with him:


Sommer- Special virtual international meet Up organised by Coffee fan @HiroyukiTakisawa and his wife Christine

Autumn- This was a really good party :wink:

Winter - A lot of Cocktails…

To planning the European Meet Up in Krakow there has been organised several meetings:

This went out to be a fantastic meet up with Polish local guides:

Alone, but in fact never alone. It was more about the drinking culture in Poland :wink:

Euopean Meet Up 2018 in Krakow with fantastic participants like @helga19 and @JanVanHaver AND others!!! (Can’t tag all)

But it was not the last Meet Up in Krakow and it was as well with the legends @Osama , @AlejandraMaria and many others (not able to tag)

And finally I could join a meet up in Krakow organised by @Rodrigo :

Year 2019:

February 2019 in Heilbronn/ Germany (not the last with @barrazacarlos !)

February 2019 in Krakow/ Poland:

May 2019 in Krakow/ Poland with Rodrigo:

June 2019 joining the 2. European Meet Up in Ghent/ Belgium organised by @JanVanHaver !!

June 2019 in Treviso/ Italy with Antonella and Ermest:

So, Meetups are such important and nice. Here on Localguideconnect these are the post I’m really waiting desperatly for! Nigeria, Indonesia, Australia, Argentinia, Italy … So many fantastic Meet Ups!!!

I’m looking forward to much more Meet Ups in 2019 and 2020 and and and… :slight_smile:


Hi @TorM

Very nice informative and inspirational post! You have already attended so many meet-ups.

I like how you compared meet-ups to salt in the soup but some people would tell you (I am not one of them) that the best soups do not contain any salt :).

OK, that is off topic. Anyway, I wish you many more pleasant meet-ups in the future and thank you for being Local Guide.


Brilliant @TorM !

Thanks for sharing the photos and the lovely story behind it! It didn’t happen over night, but I’m glad to see you’ve met a bunch of people. :slight_smile: Your recaps are always fun to read!


@TorM grazie TOM! E’ sempre un piacere leggere i tuoi post.

Come sai la nostra area “nasce” per l’ospitalità. Non abbiamo fabbriche, non abbiamo risorse naturali se non il paesaggio e i prodotti che vengono realizzati come agricoltura.

Sicuramente quando tornerai vedrai molti cambiamenti, potrai apprezzare meglio Norcia, in quest’anno ci sono state alcune costruzioni nuove e altre aziende hanno riaperto. E’ tutto in cambiamento.

Ho chiesto ad @AngelaViale di aiutarci a creare un piccolo meetup in liguria e, sicuramente ti avviseremo quando sarà tutto pronto e organizzato!

Altrimenti ti avviso non appena ci sarà un prossimo evento a Norcia… chissà magari trovi anche modo di portare tutta la famiglia qui!

Oppure ci vediamo in Veneto da Ernest e Antonella!

Ciao, Emanuele


@TorM it’s such a great post, it’s a very nice topic and it’s good to know this big part of your Local Guides journey. I’m also happy that you mentioned Argentina hahah.

It’s so relatable too, at least to me. When I started I had no idea that it would be so impactful in my life, and had more of a “Why not?” perspective. I was also afraid like your wife before joining my first meet up, and my boyfriend also said the exact same thing to me about not being the only addicted one after joining one of our meet ups and seeing everyone take photos of everything.

Thank you for sharing, keep organizing and enjoying meet ups as much as you do now :slight_smile:


Thanks @TorM for the very interesting story and photos of your meetups.


Thank you for sharing this and introducing our great memorial! @TorM

Yes, we love meet-ups! :slight_smile:


Que gran post @TorM contar cómo iniciaste y el temor de tu señora en un inicio, es tan real jajaja yo lo viví con mi señora cuando realice los primeros viajes y Meet-Up.

Espero poder participar en alguna reunión de ustedes si voy por Europa. El grupo de Local Guides que conforman son extraordinarios.




@TorM it is great post!

So many Meet up you have already organized!

You are the man full of energy and enthusiasm!!!

So many nice photos! Such perfect meeting!

Tell us ,please where are you going to organize the next Meet Up!?)

I suppose it is not a secret!)

Don’t forget to invite me! :wink:




Dear @manulele81

Thank you for the invite. Not sure if this year holidays in Italy are possible …, but if I really would love to come and visit you. A weekend in North Italy is always an option. When you plan a trip to @ErmesT and @AntonellaGr I will try to join you!

Really hope to see you again. And Munich is as far as in the other way only :wink:


Dear @Jesi ,

It was really sad, that we couldn’t organise the Meetup while your stay in Germany last year. Maybe it means that I need to come to Argentina and meet as well @FaridTDF :argentina:

For me it is really a Magic country, what is underlined by you and Farid with great posts about Meetups and Nature…


Hey @TorM

This looks like a CC of the perfect Local Guide, and I am very happy that I have been part of the "conversion’ of your wife. Now she knows that you are not the only “strange guy” around the world.

It was beautiful to be able to address you to @manulele81 and to Norcia, then to meet you in Treviso, and again in Krakow, for the European Meet-up '18, well organised by you

It will be great to meet you here, or in Liguria (what about you, @Sorbe ?) Or in Belgium, where @JanVanHaver is hosting #euromeetup19.

Maybe this time your family will come with you


@TorM yes, it’s a shame that we couldn’t organize it. I hope we both attend the same meet up someday.

It would be awesome to have you here in Argentina, if you’re ever coming just let us know and we will shower you with meet ups (to the extent you feel comfortable with :grimacing:)


Hello @TorM
Waw, the extraordinary meet-up series. It would be nice to meet new people
When are you coming to Indonesia? We will welcome you

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Oh @br14n

Indonesia is quite far away. I would love to go there once, but for now I only can dream about.


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Yes @ErmesT ,

Im focused to ensure joining the Meetup in Genth organised by @JanVanHaver . It would be great to meet you there. Currently it’s a bit difficult to plan as I need to focus on some issues in Poland :wink:


Hey @ErmesT ,

Liguria would be a perfect location for a meet-up. If you have never been there @TorM you could fall in love with the Region. Mountains, unique seaside spots, amazing food and very special wines.

Keep me updated if you got in mind to go there and organize something.

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How not to agree with you @Sorbe ?

We are pushing @AngelaViale for organising a meet-up in Liguria. I simply love Cinque Terre, but I want to learn more. I am also curious about Lunigiana (North of Tuscany, isn’t it?) and their famous castles


Hi @ErmesT ,

You are right. Lunigiana is right on the border between Liguria and Tuscany. Well worth to visit it especially for the castles that are populating the areas and if you want to proceed you can reach Sant’Anna di Stazzema, which is one of the most famous village for the Italian resistance during the Second World War.


Great post!

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