When I started in 2016 to load up my first pictures to Google Maps, I wasn’t aware about how much this can have an impact on my daily life in the future. In fact until April 2018 to upload pictures was only my personal quirk. No idea about, that other people have the same main hobby. I did start this, because I moved to a new town (to work during the week) without my family and in the night it was boring. So I started to load up pictures I took when traveling and traveling I really love.
In April 2018 I suddenly received a contact request via a different plattform, with the question if this is me, who do load up so many pictures on GoogleMaps. It was @JeanRV . He told me that there is as well a big community here on Localguidesconnect. So, after some posts my jorney did start.
Year 2018:
The first meeting was in Nürnberg. Here I met as well with once the Connect Moderator @LudwigGermany first, but not the last time:
When I was in holidays with my family in Italy I received invites to two great Local Guides. I remember the discussion with my wife. She was really afraid that I did plan to meet some LG I did not know. Internet… OMG. But ! :
First I did meet @manulele81 in Norcia. This meeting in the earth quake area was so important for me, to see the power of the Community. I’m still totally overwhelmed of the power the people have AND the hospitality of this great local guide Emanuelle !
When we finnished our trip to Umbria, we received an invite from the famous couple Antonella and @ErmesT . Fantastic Pizza and a nice quick trip through Treviso. AND my wife did recognise that I’m not the only crazy person addicted by LocalGuidesconnect and GoogleMaps
When I organised my first meet up in Munich, I thought I got my first “setback”, as only myself took part :
But when I organised on in Heilbronn suddenly 7 people joined. Not all of them are Local Guides, but they like the community. Possible it was due to @barrazacarlos who took some students with him:
Sommer- Special virtual international meet Up organised by Coffee fan @HiroyukiTakisawa and his wife Christine
Autumn- This was a really good party
Winter - A lot of Cocktails…
To planning the European Meet Up in Krakow there has been organised several meetings:
This went out to be a fantastic meet up with Polish local guides:
Alone, but in fact never alone. It was more about the drinking culture in Poland
Euopean Meet Up 2018 in Krakow with fantastic participants like @helga19 and @JanVanHaver AND others!!! (Can’t tag all)
But it was not the last Meet Up in Krakow and it was as well with the legends @Osama , @AlejandraMaria and many others (not able to tag)
And finally I could join a meet up in Krakow organised by @Rodrigo :
Year 2019:
February 2019 in Heilbronn/ Germany (not the last with @barrazacarlos !)
February 2019 in Krakow/ Poland:
May 2019 in Krakow/ Poland with Rodrigo:
June 2019 joining the 2. European Meet Up in Ghent/ Belgium organised by @JanVanHaver !!
June 2019 in Treviso/ Italy with Antonella and Ermest:
So, Meetups are such important and nice. Here on Localguideconnect these are the post I’m really waiting desperatly for! Nigeria, Indonesia, Australia, Argentinia, Italy … So many fantastic Meet Ups!!!
I’m looking forward to much more Meet Ups in 2019 and 2020 and and and…