Bhutanese local guides in Thimphu.lets meet up this sunday.
@kawashogun nice to see that you are planning to host a meetup.
But my dear before you start thinking about meetup let me help you.
In your first meetup never forgot to invite your friends and some senior local guides. For a successful meetup these are the most important requirements.
@kawashogun wrote:
Bhutanese local guides in Thimphu.lets meet up this sunday.
Dhanyabad deepakji. Ill keep that in mind. Before that I’m not even sure if there are any active local guides in Thimphu. Just trying to find if there are any. Could be of any level and strangers too.
@kawashogun We are sorry to say : right now there is no community From Bhutan or Thimpu .
My dear follow the bellow links to find local guides near you.
Happy mapping.
Thank you very much Deepakji. Guess I should go exploring all by myself.
@kawashogun wait for few minutes I’ll mention few of them here very soon.
Happy mapping.
@kawashogun wrote:
Thank you very much Deepakji. Guess I should go exploring all by myself.
Inviting all local guides from Bhutan.
@KarmaJ , @RulingG , @DalayG , @NationalA , @PassangT , @help , @SorwaB , sanjayp , @abhrad , @amaitradingt .
Your friend @kawashogun want to meet with you.
You made it easy for us. Thank you very much.
Dear Deepok,
Thank you for information.I am interested to be part of this event.
Dalay Ghalley
Hi @kawashogun - Take a look at this post to learn how to organize a Local Guides meet-up. I recommend picking a date that’s a few weeks from now so you have enough time to organize and promote your meet-up. Don’t forget to submit your meet-up on so that other Local Guides can register to attend.
Good luck!
Meet up time - 10 am this Sunday, 11 June 2017
Place - Memorial Chorten (Thimphu).
Hello my dear @kawashogun there is no meetup available in that date.
Sorry to say but you need to create a meetup so that others can join you.
Check out the video
Before hosting a meetup you must create it .
check out the link mention below.
Thank you so much @HelloJess .
Keep smilie
Thank you. I 'll create a meet up soon.
Can’t upload the top cover picture and without it I can’t create a meet up.
@kawashogun Can you explain more? What happens when you try to upload a photo? Note that the photo dimension should be 1030 x 350.
Hey, @HelloJess ,The meet up page tells me to take a pic or upload a document. I can’t upload a reduced size pic from the phone, lesser than 6MP or the required size. There’s no option.
@kawashogun I can help you on this.
Send me photo you want to upload on your meetup page.
Hey @deepakjhic , if this doesn’t work this way. Its going to work well from a desktop.
@kawashogun Can I remove the word exhibition & other words from this photo? .
Because you are hosting a meetup not an exhibition.
@kawashogun wrote:
Hey @deepakjhic , if this doesn’t work this way. Its going to work well from a desktop.
@deepakjhic ill send you a proper picture tomo but before that ill try some other ways.