


Hello @infojahedulalam ,

Welcome to Connect!

If you want to host your own Meet-ups please follow the link. But before that, I recommend you reading this post How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organize a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area!

Please follow this link to learn more about What are your tips for first-time meet-up hosts? You will notice a ton of tips for persons like you that are interested in planning a Meet-up.

You can use this quick link to find all upcoming planned meetups and activities in your region.

To share a bit about yourself and get to know other fellows in Connect you can visit our monthly Introduce Yourself - November 2019 section.

P.S.: Just to let you know, I removed the link you provided.