Meet up yogyakarta local guide at Angkringan Omahe Mbak Nanik

In May 2018 we held a meeting yogyakarta local guide at Angkringan Cafe Omahe Mbak Nanik Jalan Palagan Army Students km 8, Sleman, Yogyakarta

The event began at 7 pm to finish, starting with the host’s welcome dilanjutkn introduction between members of Yogyakarta local guide by mentioning the name as well as busy each.

After that followed by breaking the fast along with tasting typical dishes angkringan cafe omahe mbak nanik the rice grilled chicken and fish, tempura, fried and much more.

The event is closed with a photo session together to increase the intimacy between members

That is all and thank you


Hey @Masbi ,

Thanks for sharing this Recap. Looks like a lot of people joined in on this Meet-up. Looks like you guys had fun.


Hello brother @GeorgesHR

I am happy because you attention my post , my freind so happy at this event and we can share about every thing. I hope your day is good . Salam from Yogyakarta city,Indonesia


Thanks everyone

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@Masbi wrote:

In May 2018 we held a meeting yogyakarta local guide at Angkringan Cafe Omahe Mbak Nanik Jalan Palagan Army Students km 8, Sleman, Yogyakarta

The event began at 7 pm to finish, starting with the host’s welcome dilanjutkn introduction between members of Yogyakarta local guide by mentioning the name as well as busy each.

After that followed by breaking the fast along with tasting typical dishes angkringan cafe omahe mbak nanik the rice grilled chicken and fish, tempura, fried and much more.

The event is closed with a photo session together to increase the intimacy between members

That is all and thank you

Great Masbi. :slight_smile:

Masbi is always on the move. :))


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Adain lagi dooong :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Bagaimana cara bergabung di meet up nya?

Apakah ada syarat khusus?

Atau ada grupnya? Saya mau bergabung dong

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Halo kk, aku mau tanya nih. Gimana sih caranya bisa buat acara meet up gitu sesama LG ? Soalnya aku baru level 4 dan belum mengerti banyak

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