Meet Up with International Local Guides

I live in Mombasa Kenya, a tourist destination in East Africa, is it possible to meet up international local guides who come to Kenya as tourists so that other people can also see Mombasa in the eyes of non-locals. It would be a good experience.

Hello @VickyO ! Hmm it may be a long shot but I’d say GO FOR IT! :slight_smile: You can organise a meet-up in your city and I encourage you to open it up to both locals and international Local Guides.

Feel free to search the community for any Local Guides who are visiting Mombasa Kenya (hopefully you can find , reach out to them and coordinate your meet-up according to their visiting dates.

For now, I am moving your post to the Let’s Meet-Up! board.

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Thank you so much.

Even though I have faced a challenge before in organizing a meet-up, I am looking forward to a successful one this time.