Meet-up recap visit to Wakan and Hadesh villages

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English below
We are pleased to invite you to see the photo album of our previous documentary trip to #hadsh #wakan with very good quality as you can comment on each picture:
Also You will have a better ability to browse panoramic images

Also you can visit our website but it is still in arabic, you will find (my map Ar/En) with the best locations and services in the mentioned villages

Also 360 street views with more than 30 photos

يسرنا دعوتكم لمشاهدة البوم صور رحلتنا التوثيقية السابقة ل #قرية_حدش #قرية_وكان وبجودة جيدة جدا كما يمكنكم التعليق على كل صورة
وسيكون لديكم قدرة افضل لتصفح الصور


وندعوكم لزيارة موقعنا والدي يحتوي على خارطة تفاعلية لاهم المرافق بالقريتين وكذلك صور التجوال الافتراضي 360


@SalahAlhajri Thanks for the Recap. seems you had a nice time with your fellow local guides. your photo album looks beautiful :slight_smile:

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@IlankovanT thanks a lot for your contribution on this topic
yes we had fun :slight_smile:


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