Meet up Journey of two Local Guides

Two Guides, 20 Meetups, and counting….

I @ravindus and @kasunaaa became very good friends via the Local Guides program. We support each other in our Local Guide activities. In fact, we have done all our meetups together.

This is our Meetup tracker :deciduous_tree:

  1. Underwater Meetup 6 - Kalpitya Dive Site Mapping
  2. Little England 360 Shoot. :camera_flash: :world_map:
  3. Underwater Meetup 5 - Galle Navy Dive Museum mapping
  4. Ella 360 Run :camera_flash:
  5. Underwater meetup 4- Teinco Navy Diving Museum mapping (18m) :beach_umbrella: :ocean:
  6. Off Road Campers Balangoda Pathana :mountain_biking_man: :sunrise_over_mountains:
  7. Beach Campers Ussangoda :tent: :beach_umbrella: :ocean:
  8. Gartmore Peak Wilderness Campers :tent: :mountain_biking_man:
  9. Pothuvil Beach Camping :tent: :beach_umbrella: :ocean:
  10. Wesak Lantern Virtual :izakaya_lantern: :sparkler:
  11. Sri Lanka New Year Virtual :sun_with_face:
  12. CORONA vs Local Guides - WorldWide Meetup :hospital: :ambulance:
  13. Sri Lanka Local Guides VIRTUAL :keyboard:
  14. Underwater Meetup – Mirissa (20m Scuba dive) :tropical_fish:
  15. Expressway Food Crawl :shallow_pan_of_food:
  16. Southern Highway Blue Line – 200 Km of Street View :blue_car:
  17. Polonnaruwa Heritage Photo Walk 2020 :shinto_shrine:
  18. Habarana - Galoya Blue Line meetup - 36 km of street view coverage :blue_car:
  19. Google Map to The Youth - Feb 2020 :man_teacher:
  20. Sri Lanka Independence Day Beach Cleanup :beach_umbrella: :recycle:
  21. Mountain Exploring Wangedigala :mountain_biking_man:
  22. Sri Lanka Highway Blue Line – 46km of Street View :blue_car:
  23. Hikkaduwa Underwater Meetup Day 2 :tropical_fish:
  24. Underwater Meetup - Hikkaduwa :tropical_fish:
  25. Christmas Photo Walk - KZone :camera_flash:
  26. Gampaha Geo Walk :city_sunset:
  27. Gampaha New Year Photo Walk :tada: :camera_flash:

What’s your meetup journey. How many have you done? How many have you participated? Comment down here…

No Meetup Name/Link When it was

Meetup No Meetup Name and Link When it was
27 Underwater Meetup 6 - Kalpitya Dive Site Mapping June 2021
26 Little England 360 Shoot May 2021

@ravindus this is an amazing story. Loved it. Best of luck


@ravindus Great 16 meetups together less tha in one year. If the Easter attacke and the Corona pendemic not happened, we would havedone more.


@ShakilAK , Thank you very much. It is great to have a good partner when guiding. What’s your meetup history, have you hosted ? how many you have participated.

I hope you are safe and well during this troubled time.



I have attended only 6 meetups. I didnt arrange a meetup yet due to corona effect.


Your friendship is impressive @ravindus @kasunaaa ! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: Great job with all these MeetUps!


Thanks for the encouraging words @AniaKiser . I hope we could do more meetups together in the future. I will tag you in future meetups.

if you could, visit Sri Lanka some time. we are the Lonely Planets no. 1 travel destination.





keep it up



@mkanoria Thank you ! :smiley:

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2014 when we start local guiding just 5 friends now it a 5000 member community finish 135 meetups. so keep it up @ravindus

identifier.html (768 KB)

Picture: 2015 official local guides party in Jamuna Future Park, Bangladesh

6 year celebration of Bangladesh Local Guides


@MahabubMunna , thank you very much. It’s very encouraging to hear your 5member to 5000 community growth.

@mkanoria , Thank you for the kind words.


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Congratulations @ravindus and @kasunaaa it’s fantastic to read about your close friendship via the Local Guides program and to your impressive meetup contributions.