Meet up di Kalibaru Coffee

Saya ingin mengundang local guide ke tempat kami roemah kopi kalibaru untuk meetup dan sharing terkait manfaat local guide


Dear @Anggi0895

Welcome to Connect!

This is a really nice initiative if you want to host a meet up in your neighborhood.

I noticed that you are new here, So I want to share with you some articles to make your experience will be better in this worldwide Local Guides Community.

Please check out:

Please introduction about yourself. You can follow this example.

1. Name

2. Location

3. What you love about being a Local Guide

4. Your favorite thing to explore

5. Fun fact about you

Tell us more about you by writing in Connect monthly feature Introduce Yourself January 2021, where new and old members get to know each other.

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Hello @Anggi0895 and warm Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

A home for all local Guides.

For your idea about connecting with Local Guides Community, I would love to guide you.

For the first step, You may search the community for mentions of the Local Guides Community in

by “Search” option on Local Guides Connect.

And secondly, as you mentioned, to connect with local guides, You can check this Meet-up Section for searching meet-ups.

As most of us focusing on Virtual meet-ups, you can see many Meet-ups in which you can participate virtually or online. To getting additional information this article A new way to support your meet-ups, will be surely helpful for you

Further Maybe you’ll like to check out our tutorial here:About this forum. You may also want to read two interesting articles: Your guide to Connect and 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

Shukriya :pray:


Hai, Kak @Anggi0895 .

Untuk membuat Meet Up, Anda bisa mengikuti cara di tautan berikut:

Bikin saja pengumumannya, kapan acaranya dilangsungkan, di mana tempatnya (beserta lokasinya di Google Maps kalau ada), siapa Tuan Rumah (Host) Meet Up-nya, lalu apa saja agenda acaranya (apakah sekadar makan-makan, berkenalan dengan sesama Local Guides, fota-foto, dll.).

Semoga ramai.

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terimakasih coba saya pelajari dulu soalnya saya masih baru juga …