Meet up @Dhaka University

I would like to thank mr google map for helping me knowing my city, i am so much thankful to this platform.

After that, i always support other to know this city and attractions.

But i didn’t get chance meet with other local guide in Dhaka, Bangladesh. So if you are a local guide from Dhaka ,Bangladesh . please help me out to meet with you. I will be thankful to you and your contribution.



Eskaton,Dhaka,Bangladesh .


Hi @YasinHossainRakib

Thank you for the kind words.

I moved your post from Idea Exchange to Meet-ups as you are trying to find people from your area.

I also redacted your personal contact details from the post. You might not know but we do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety. If you wish to get in touch with other Local Guides, there is a Private Messaging System in place instead.

Please take a moment to review our Local Guides Policy and check this 14 helpful tips for using Connect on using this community before posting.

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