Meet up Bangladesh

Lets make a meet up in Chattogram , Banglades, for share our experience.


Hi @Md_Salehkin_Seraj

Welcome to Connect and thank you for sharing this with us. I am going to change the status of your idea to “Closed”, since what you have shared is an Idea exchange. Idea exchange board is a place on Connect for Local Guides to share ideas with our team to tell us about a way to improve the Local Guides program.

To learn more about idea exchange, I recommend you to read this article How do I use the Idea Exchange?.

Since you’re new to the community, you can take a look at this 14 helpful tips for using Connect topic where you can find various ways to engage with the community.

Please read the What are Connect topics? article before your next post.

By the way, I relabeled your post and it now appears in the Meet-ups, Here, you’ll find out about meet-ups hosted by Local Guides like you. A meet-up is an informal get-together with other Local Guides in your area. It’s a way for Local Guides to explore their cities, make new friends, and try new places.

Share a link to your meet-up page to encourage other Local Guides to join or write a post recapping one you’ve already hosted—along with some great photos.

Hi @Md_Salehkin_Seraj

Welcome to Local Guides Connect!

If you want to meet other Local Guides and want to plan a tour of your region or any other place, I recommend organizing a meet-up. You can host your own meet-ups by planning it here.

Also have a look at this post How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organize a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area!

Since you are new in the community, I recommend you read this topic it suggests the various ways to engage as a part of the community.