Meet of Love and Nature...


Best place for nature lovies…

On the 1st of October 2019, we started our journey off to Saputara.

On 2nd October, we started trekking of Hatgad fort which is 3600 ft. I feel nature, I fill Love.

am falling in love with Nature.



Best place for nature lovies…

On the 1st of October 2019, we started our journey off to Saputara.

On 2nd October, we started trekking of Hatgad fort which is 3600 ft. I feel nature, I fill Love.


Hello @JayPatel19 and welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing with us.

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Thank you for help and Suggestion :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are very welcome and thank you for the reply @JayPatel19 .

Just to remind you, remember to use the @ and the name of the Local Guide you’re replying to so that they can see your message. Otherwise it might get lost.

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Excellent macro photography @JayPatel19

Which camera did you use for that?

Saputara also appears to be scenic. How to reach there and which is the best season for a stay?

One request. Can you add a map location of the place for the benefit of other readers?


Thank you @C_T , For this i used OnePlus 7T camera. For stay in SAPUTARA moonsoon is the best season and aslo trekking too. And you can reach there by Bus, by Train. Yes Saputara is also on map(google it)!! Thank You:) Keep Mapping;)

Thanks for your quick reply @JayPatel19

My suggestion was to add the map location here in the connect post.

That becomes useful for other readers to know something quickly.

Here is a screenshot of one similar post.

You can still edit your post by clicking on the three dots and do that.


@C_T I edited it!!

Thank you for suggesting, I am a beginner so I made some mistakes.