Meet n greet wilmington nc

Hi 2 all local guides and photo hogs, lets meet n greet and discuss the town. On April 3,2018

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Hi @Cbradley1230 and welcome to Connect!

It’s great that you want to meet other Local Guides! What I suggest you to do is to check in here if there are any already organized Meet-Ups around you in the near future. If there aren’t any available currently, you can organize one yourself. You don’t know how to get started? Don’t worry, in this post you will find everything you need to know to get started.

Since you are new in Connect, here are some tips about being part of the community:

If you have any questions, first search in the community as others may have asked your question (and received an answer) already.

See you soon,


Hi! I’m a local guide here and just found the local connect page! I’ve submitted a meet up request for next weekend and hopefully it will be approved! I’m hoping to meet more guides in the area as well :slight_smile: