“What does the Local Guides program mean to you?”
I’ve never thought about it before but now I understand that for me it’s competition with myself. I always try to visit new places and new restaurants, making a photo and putting it in Google maps like check In
When I was younger I used to be orienteering and I was running in the wood with map and special card. My goal was looking for places with mechanism and to making a notice on my card. It means that I found this place. Now I do the same. I open Google maps, look what I can see in new city and try to find, when goal is achieved, I enjoying these, making a photo, putting it in The Local guide and write review.
The Local Guid is big competition with all the world! With guys from other countries who like me write reviews, I like to read another reviews and watch how many reviews they made because it means that they saw more than me, and I’m increasing speed and finding, finding and finding new place, new restaurants. I really enjoy with it. Thanks Google that you gave me opportunity to be part of big competition