Mbah Gugel

Mbah Wir…

Mbah Moen…

Mbah Yu…

Those are several nicknames we as Indonesian used to call our elder people both men and women. Start from Mbah as the salutation then followed by their names such as: Wir, Moen, Yu, Yan, etc.

Mbah is originated from Javanese language means elderly, grandfather, grandmother, great grandfather, great grandmother or everyone aging more than 60 years old can be considered as Mbah. Javanese specifically call their grandfather as Mbah Kakung/Eyang Kakung and grandmother as Mbah Putri/Eyang


Indonesia is one of the most diverse country in the world. According to the census by our Central Bureau of Statistics in 2010, Indonesia has 1120 language and 1158 among them are local language or seldom we called as vernacular.

Mbah is considered not only elderly people but has more profound meaning as a wise, intelligent, respected and honorable old people. Moreover, Mbah is a person honored by all member of the village. Certain Mbah were well known for their expertise and craftsmanship such as: ability to treat sick people using various herbal medicine, have deep understanding in religion, descendant of religious leader and so on.

Indonesian language evolves time to time, new words/slank are made everyday and become popular. Despite of that, our millenials are so creative that they use the word Mbah to describe Google. They made a slight change rather than calling Mbah Google to Mbah Gugel. So it made the word Google more familiar to the locals.

“Tanya aja sih ke Mbah Gugel" translate: “Just ask Google instead”

“Tunggu, saya cari di Mbah Gugel dulu” translate: “Wait, I’ll look up at Google first”

Those conversations above can be heard on daily basis in Indonesia.

In this term, Google is considered as Mbah to us because Google is the Mr. KnowEverything. Anything, everything that you have in mind, you can just type it on Google and get the answer. I also rely on Google while typing this article.

We have to agree that Google plays a big role in every part of a country, community to individuals. I see that now learning are made so easy because of Google, especially as a parent confronted with kids project at school. Thank God that He created Larry Page and Sergey Brin too J

So, this is my story on how my community sees Google. How about you?


Hai @Ritamega ,

I prefer the meaning of Mbah Google is yor second term, not just the elderly, or senior citizen that everybody honor him/her but because of he / she is in this term, Google is considered as Mbah to us because Google is the Mr. KnowEverything .

In Indian American term is Shaman.

I agree Pak @BudiFXW

Indonesia has many unique slank words which made me surprised and giggle at the same time.

Because of our culture, influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism in the past, we are very used to “worshiping” and that is why the term “Mbah Gugel” means Mr. KnowEverything :grin:

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