May i get a guideing star this year lol

dover TENNESSEE top 10% in the region may I please get a guiding store award LOL hoping to be nominated


Hello @TOP10TN

Welcome back to connect and congratulations on your top 10% of whatever it is. Although those are AI automated messages !!!

Now to answer your question,although for a few years there hasn’t been nominations anymore on guiding stars. We haven’t any official news as well for this year if it will re-occur or not. Nevertheless being a guiding star has lots to do with your participation here on connect and contributions on Google maps.

That’s said you’ll need to do a bit of tidying on your good maps profile regarding photos. There are a few photos posted multiple times which isn’t ideal and it’s also against the rules and regulations of the local program. Please kindly note.

Therfore it’s not too hopeful that you’ll get any such nominations this year considering these different factors. Nevertheless keep your eyes open amd ears to the ground on connect. Any official news and announcements will be live here on the forum.

Happy guiding
