Masouleh, Iran. A Town on a Mountain

Standing in the Gilan province, along the Silk Route, Masouleh is one of Iran’s most picturesque locations. The steep mountainside village is filled with lush greenery and houses which soar up high into billowing mist, layered and built as high as possible due to the tough living conditions on the lower ground.

Masouleh architecture is unique. The buildings have been built into the mountain and are interconnected. Courtyards and roofs both serve as pedestrian areas similar to streets. Masouleh does not allow any motor vehicles to enter, due to its unique layout. It is the only village in Iran with such a prohibition. However, the small streets and many stairs simply also wouldn’t make it possible for vehicles to enter.


Nevjerojatna fotografija, da li je vaša @Themoein

Izgleda mi jako strmo.

Na kojoj nadmorskoj visini se nalazi to selo?

Kako se može doći do njega?

:blush: :croatia:

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@renata1 Fotografija, ki sem jo posnela jaz.

Masuleh is approximately 60 km southwest of Rasht and 32 km west of Fuman in Gilan Province , Iran. The village is 1,050 meters above sea level in the Alborz (or Elburz) mountain range, near the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. The village itself has a difference in elevation of 100 meters.

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I feel even more cold :joy: after seeing this post , in india there’s winter @Themoein thanks for posting this picture the Color of all houses are same is there any special reason behind it ?

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The houses in Masouleh are in Persian yellow color so that they are easier to be recognized in the dense mist. The yellow mud is renewed every year by the owners to preserve the colors of their houses.