Marriage function


Dear All,

Old tradition of marriage style in all relegion in Kerala changing a lot. The above vedio shows a marriage ceremony is happened today at Bride’s residence.

These change will help a lot for the religion of Muslims and Hindus. Previously it’s happened I Masjid and Temple.



Der Link funktioniert leider nicht

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Hello, LG @MohazinCC

The link is not working… Kindly check and update.

In case if you need any help kindly tag me and let me know.

Best wishes

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Please help me to watch the vedio and photos

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@MohazinCC are you trying to upload a video directly here on the platform? That will not work. You need to have the video available on e.g. YouTube and then insert a link to that in your post here.


Hello, fellow LG @MohazinCC ,

Surely, I shall help you with different methods…

Incidently, I’m also from Kerala…



I have also sent you a Private Message; kindly respond when free.

In case, if you need any assistance:

How to RECEIVE Private Messages in this forum “Receive”

How to SEND Private Messages in this forum “Send”

Hope best will help you.

Please give me your name and mobile #

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Hi Lg,

Is it my vedio is working now??

Please let me know per return mail



Von dem Video ist leider noch nichts zu sehen.

Fügen sie das Video auf YouTube zu.

Von YouTube können sie es dann mit einem Link auf Connect teilen.

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Hello, dear LG @MohazinCC ,

As I have explained you over the phone, kindly copy the sharing link of your YouTube video & paste it here in Connect - this is the simplest method.

Hope this will help you

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Hello @Annaelisa

I don’t think this comment is a solution to this post. However, please note that I have un-un-marked the “solution” given by you, because your post don’t need a solution. Please read: How-do-I-mark-comments-as-solutions?

Happy guiding


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Ist vollkommen okay,

ich habe weder so einen Lösungsvermerk angefordert und war darüber auch überrascht.

Hauptsache ist doch, dass er mit dem Video klarkommt und wir es sehen können.

Vielleicht benötigt er ja noch weitere Hilfe.