#MapYourWorldParty @ Gensan
RD Plaza
Pres. Roxas East Avenue, General Santos City, 9500 South Cotabato, Philippines
March 19, 2017 @ 13:00
The Local Guides SoCCSkSarGen Region (Sox for short) is joining the MAP YOUR WORLD WEEK Campaign of Local Guides with their own #MapYourWorldParty on Sunday, March 19th, 2017 at the Function Room of Jollibee, the country’s #1 Fastfoods Chain. We have invited Level 3+ Active Local Guides for the meet up to explore the MISSIONS Feature of Google Maps. This way, we could add, edit, improve and fix the Google Maps of General Santos City. On the side, there will be tips and tricks from Local Guides Level 5 participants that will surely encourage everyone to truly enjoy their advocacy to share their local knowledge about their beloved city by the bay for the rest of the world to see. #LocalGuides #MapYourWorld The photo is the General Santos Shrine, where the remains of the City’s Namesake and Founder is buried, inside the Plaza Heneral Santos, just a few meters away from the venue of our #MapYourWorldParty.