It would appear that people with third party shipping services are creating their own post office Maps entries that duplicate the USPS site on Maps and point to a 3rd party website. Here are two but there are likely more.
the purpose is to direct traffic to the 3rd party sites which contain advertising making revenue for the website owners. This is abuse of Maps and Adsense fraud.
We have the same issue here in Iran, some users create several (for example more than 10) fake places for their business with keywords to direct people to their business while even in some cases they have not even one front office/store.
On the other hand, some directory websites and 3rd party businesses add their phone number/website to other places in the same category, and especially for telephone numbers, it is too hard to fix the spam. For example, right now one main and national car repair service in Iran has a wrong phone number and my edit to fix is still pending since months ago.
If I find the spammer I report him/her by the profile flagging but in most cases, it is hard to find and hard to remove spam points.
Hope in future we have more suitable tools for fighting such spams.
@Amiran if you find more than a few places where the same spammer’s phone number has been added I would recommend hopping over to the Maps Support Community and reporting the issue with as many links to places as you’ve found and highlight that they have the same spam phone number. This will allow an escalation behind the scenes to find other places with the same phone number so they can be reverted.
KishorMali yesterday Re: Maps spam - hijacked post office entries / duplicate post office linking to 3rd party ad sites @PaulPavlinovich well. It’s time for cleaning. However, I think google Maps needed to think about place editing system, so no one can use that in wrong way. {Simplicity Is My Identity}
In every community for each group of good people there are several bad people. Life is like that @KishorMali the system is always fighting spam.
Before this, some local guides did spam on giving wanted local guides to their favorite local guides with the group.
Now, the kudos rule is becoming more stronger and I already had published this idea about kudos rule.
I think you said system,
Means may be in system you considering google map users and local guides in this. That’s cool.
So then system will be fight.
However, AI and IOT are now very helpful. New improvement makes more useful google Maps and spam will be cleared.
You mentioned my whole reply in this, is this facility available on only desktop? How can you did this.
Can you give some steps for posting whole Re:message to required local guide.
KishorMali yesterday Re: Maps spam - hijacked post office entries / duplicate post office linking to 3rd party ad sites @PaulPavlinovich well. It’s time for cleaning. However, I think google Maps needed to think about place editing system, so no one can use that in wrong way. {Simplicity Is My Identity}