Maps aren't only on Google - sometimes they're made of Lego

Last weekend in Melbourne we had Brickvention which is where Melbourne’s Lego User Group and Melbourne Lego Train Club and a heap of other people come together to bring us their MOCs (“My Own Creation”) Lego masterpieces. You might wonder how this is related to Local Guides and Maps? Well one of the first exhibits right inside the door was a 3D scale model of the city of Melbourne made entirely from Lego. There are thousands of bricks in this MOC and it is one of the most creative maps I’ve ever encountered. How good would it be if for one day everything in Google Maps was rendered as Lego blocks when in the 3D view?

There were also other cool MOCS that were directly related to the city of Melbourne and things you’d find on Google Maps. Of course there were a ton of other things like Star Wars, Dr Who, Ghostbusters, Game of Throwns, etc. alongside all manner of cutesy things and two massive Goldberg machines.

This is grown up lego but of course those grown ups are aged from 4 upwards :). There is no age limit for imagination. If you want to see more Lego creations and some of my own MOCs take a look on my Instagram @dropbearpaul


Brilliant. It must have taken them months to come up with such refined models.

Love the idea. my wife won’t appreciate me buying my Lego Kit now but I think I will build something using their Digital Designer over the weekends :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great share @PaulPavlinovich


Lol @OmerAli I have a deal with Chris. If I buy something I need to be able to afford to give her the same in cash :). We went and bought her some new clothes today so you can imagine perhaps I might have bought some new Lego recently :).

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I don’t want my wife to read this part of the post, ever :smiley:

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lol @OmerAli they use the force - she probably already knows mate :slight_smile:

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lol @PaulPavlinovich

I know, sometimes it makes me question my sanity how she even reads the faintest thought in my head that I had a micro second ago :smiley:

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Hi @PaulPavlinovich Really Cheerful Post. Looks Amazing! Oh and on your page, the little guy at The Piano Lego, is very cute :slightly_smiling_face:

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@PaulPavlinovich Happy Australia Day! :confetti_ball::tada::sparkler:

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It seems we have a passion in common dear @PaulPavlinovich !

I enjoy building them, my little son playing with this: so we are happy both in the family !!




Es impresionante la creatividad con los ladrillos de Lego @PaulPavlinovich , siempre me sorprenden las cosas que pueden llegar a hacer, como es este caso de una ciudad tan grande y compleja como Melbourne.


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Hehe @Eire27 in a future image in that series HarleyQuinn has blown him up :slight_smile:

@davidhyno @FaridTDF awesome where would we be without play and imagination