Google maps is such a helpfull service in developed countries but unfortunately not in Pakistan.
The problem is not in google the problem is that most of the cities are older than decades and congested
and unable to follow from satellite services. Most of the time google is not able to identify in old cities like Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi.
Either the road is closed or there may be a hole in the center of the road. Since the cities are old, so is the
infrastructure. The buildings are not in proper shape so if you look at the streets from the sky, you might
not be able to see the full streets. You can see some parts of it from satellite and they are not enough to
determine the condition of the road or traffic. I would like to discuss this would google so we can figure out a way in which the maps can help people at its fullest.
Although the maps work great in New Cities like Islamabad, Bahria town, Gulberg Greens etc