Mapping The Stars on The Hollywood Walk of Fame.

One of my favorite things to do is to show people around my neighborhood. The Hollywood Walk of Fame is about a two-mile stretch along Hollywood Blvd. between La Brea and Gower, with the exception of an area that runs north and south on Vine, from the Capitol Records Building down Sunset Blvd.

In my 30 years of walking up and down the boulevard, I have been a witness to happy times, sad times, seedy times and not so seedy times. The one thing that never changes is visitors asking where a certain star is located. So visitors are constantly roaming around in circles looking for their favorite star. Sometimes they’ll ask someone but many times they become frustrated and continue on to the next one.

It is my intent to geotag every star on google maps, and add some interesting facts about the star, and of course some photos and video. Sometimes tourists/fans are confused as there are two Michael Jackson Stars, one for the singer and the other for a radio personality, I remember when Michael Jackson died fans rushed over the star on Vine not realizing that Michael Jackson the singer’s star is outside the Chinese Theatre. Or Lucille Ball, who is one of the only people who was awarded two stars.

I have attended many star unveilings and have photos and video, where I share some of the accomplishments of the recipient. At other times it is a tradition to place a wreath on the star for a star that has passed away and I have shared some of those moments by live broadcasting and writing thoughts from people all around the world. During the death of Stan Lee, I wrote over 100 messages and had over 150 thousand live viewers.

My intent to geotag the over 2 thousand stars is so that travelers and fans can have a map to each using google maps and all the other great features that come with it, this is where I need your help ;

  1. How to geotag every star at its exact location?

  2. Will the system think that I am spamming it?

  3. How do I label the star?

I hope that someone is able to help and if you should have any suggestions as to reach out please send them my way.

Thank you!



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