Mapping parking places for disabled people?

Hello, all!!

I am thinking - is it a good idea to map on Google maps public parking places for disabled people?

There are NOT so much parking places for disable people and sometimes they are driving around to search for such parking place?

Is it a good idea?

And if yes - what category to choose?


Hello @BorislavA

At present, there is no separate category for parking slots for the differently abled persons.
However, I find that to be a promising idea. You can suggest that in the idea exchange.


Thank you, @C_T

I posted it there.

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Hi @BorislavA ,

Thanks for reaching out to the community! : ]

As @C_T kindly suggested (the reply would be accepted as Solution in this current post, should it have correct information on the subject as well as further steps to be taken), I have also checked and relocated your idea to another thread with similar direction, should there be added further opinion.

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Thank you, so much, @sonnyNg !!

I got it.

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good idea.I think it can be done


Ich markiere Behinderten Parkplätze immer direkt mit den Namen Behinderten Parkplatz .

Mache dazu ein Foto von dem Platz mit dem Schild .

In Parkhäuser Versuche ich die Betreiber anzuschreiben wie die Vorraussetzungen für die Nutzung sind . Verlinken die bestehenden Angaben in der Map