Mapping Accessible Attractions & Playgrounds

As I got deeper and deeper into the Local Guide world, I started having friends, acquaintances, and co-workers asking me for recommendations. Recommendations for restaurants, coffee shops, playgrounds, kid’s attractions, and sometimes recommendations that are harder to find. One of those requests was good recommendations for wheelchair-bound, sensory, vision impaired, and autistic children and family members. I realized I knew nothing to recommend.

So, I started with some research. What cool local attractions were wheelchair-friendly? Which ones have elevators? Which have sensory activities that allow children to play and interact at a distance and away from the noise/activity? That is when I started visiting locations and making their Maps listings more robust.

Showcase Accessibility With Photos

The first way you can highlight accessibility in your local area on Google Maps is through photos. Take and upload images of elevators, ramps, walkways, table height, and more. Focusing less on wide shots or exterior building shots and more on features that make businesses of locations more appealing to those with accessibility needs makes your local Map more inviting and easier for locals and travelers to interact with your city. Get down low, where a wheelchair’s perspective would show to highlight your photos and make them more impactful.

Showcase Accessibility With Answers

The ‘Answers’ feature of Google Maps quickly allows you to answer accessibility questions as a Local Guide. There are quick answer cards you can use to help others know if the business you are visiting has elevators, a wheelchair accessible restroom, or wheelchair-accessible parking. As you can see below, there are multiple ways to highlight accessibility along with starting a conversation with a business-owner and letting them know about the accessibility attributes they can add to their Google MyBusiness listing on their end.

Showcase Accessibility With Q&A

Even though this activity isn’t one of the most commonly performed by Local Guides, the Q&A section of each business or location is a great way to highlight and research for accessibility. If someone asks for more information about a business or kid-friendly location, try and answer with the accessible options for each. You can even post questions intentionally and go back in and answer them so you can be proactive about providing accessibility information.

Showcase Accessibility With Reviews

Lastly, reviews can be an excellent way to highlight accessible options at restaurants, attractions, parks, schools, and more. Especially from phones, you can use emojis and other visual elements to highlight features like ramps, elevators, visual-impairment features, service pets, and more. This is where detailed reviews come in handy and are almost a must.


I admire Your sense of responsibility and compassion.


Hi @JordanSB !

A very interesting post and how you started to became interesting in mapping about accessible places and how you became more and more involved.

Add thes kind of informations to Google Maps helps to make a more inclusive World.


Good Afternoon from the South of Spain,



Hi @JordanSB . Thank you for sharing your accessibility dedication. Your passion for that topic is really inspiring. Your contributions are an example of empathy and care.

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