Map Your World Week: March 13-19, 2017

Have you ever tried writing a review for a new restaurant only to discover that it isn’t listed on Google Maps yet? Or maybe you’ve arrived at a store to find out that it closes an hour earlier than what it says on Google Maps? Accurate information on Google Maps is what allows everyone to effectively navigate and explore the world around them. Place locations and information — like business hours, website and phone number — are important and Local Guides help us to improve the accuracy of this information on a daily basis.


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Map Your World Week (March 13-19) is a chance for you to rally Local Guides in your area to improve the accuracy of Maps and build your community along the way. There are plenty of ways to get involved:

  • Organize or join a geo walk to explore your city on foot and make sure businesses are listed accurately in Google Maps.
  • Stay indoors and organize or join a map editing meet-up to look for missing places or to update information for existing places.
  • Use our new Missions feature (available for Local Guides on Android) to find nearby places that are missing important information.

Ready to jump in? Check out meet-ups happening near you, or learn how organize your own.

Can’t make it to a meet-up? Fly solo and leave your mark by adding a missing place to the map, editing info about a place or using Missions to find nearby places that are missing information.

Don’t forget to share how you’re improving Google Maps in your city by using #LocalGuides on social.


Thanks @HelloJess for sharing most important topic.


ايضآ من قبل كنت احاول ادخال معالم جديدة متعددة غير مدرجة في خرائط جوجل,عندما اقوم بإدخال الاسم للمكان يأتي منكم محددة مسبقآ بإسم الشارع بكل دقة ,في الحين عندما يكون هذه الادخالات الجديدة مثلآ في اسم واحد مجمع يجمع انشطة تجارية متعددة مثل المطاعم و المقاهي و خدمات شركات الاتصالات و البقالة ,

اسهل ادخالات قمت بها كانت في مول العرب في الجيزة_محور ٢٦ يوليو.

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Woohoo! Can’t wait to see all the grat mapping activities from our Local Guides! Hopefully there is one in NYC I can join :slight_smile:

Ops! Mine mapping day will be on march 25! :slight_smile:

Argh @Corrie I will be out of town (and country) that week.

Wonder what I can get done where I will be (won’t exactly be my town.)

Guess I will have to do what I can before then :slight_smile:

** @MarieP **I was out of town (in Honduras) for global volunteer day and couldn’t attend any of the events so I mapped all the shops in the airport :slight_smile:

@Corrie Oh my goodness get out of my head! That’s one of my ideas for when we start our trip :slight_smile: We fly to Auckland New Zealand (LONG day then) and after four days we go to Australia cruising along the Great Barrier Reef.

Ahhh New York I will be missing you then. But OH the photos and reviews…as a tourist!

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Find geowalk / photowalk in samarinda

HI @HelloJess ,

@allenli123 has contributed a Chinese translation 「用地圖記錄世界」

currently we have a map editing meetup planned for tomorrow :slight_smile:

excited to hear there will be a week dedicated for this :slight_smile:

looking forward to do something during this week

What a fun idea!!! I have been thinking about trying to organize a meetup wherein the attendees would team up at the start point and then fan out to do as many edits as possible within a time period. 2 hours or so. Whoever got the most done would be crowned winner :smiley:

We’ll have to see what I can come up with. :smiley:

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Great and perfect this comes at the right time, we had planned mapping malls, making reviews plus edits through a photo walk one of the weekends during March. #localguides Nairobi Kenya.

Thanks @HelloJess for some important tips! :slight_smile:

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Thank you @HelloJess for such an impressive topic.

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Que buena propuesta @HelloJess , una buena excusa para hacer lo que más nos gusta a los Local Guides, salir y divertirnos agregando sitios que faltan, que son muchos, nuestro mapa es inmenso, muy buenas ideas en los post las tomare en cuenta para sugerirlas en la Comunidad de G+

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Thanks @HelloJess for important news for us

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Thanks for the info Jessica, greetings.

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Sure @HelloJess

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Thanks for the info @HelloJess . Will manage to organize a Map Editing event.

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