I hope local guides don’t be confused now, especially those of you who know me well enough as a Nigerian Local. As you may also know am a **missionary,**therefore I travel around West African countries alot. Having said that I am in Republic of Benin as I write now and plans are that I’ll be here till next year on official assignments. Now as my practise is,I come into a new country or area I begin almost immediately to carry out my local guides activities. I take photopaths,360° photos,edit the maps,write reveiws etc I also draw draw roads on the maps.
I was trying to draw some roads and I got the above response on my screen and I am automatically blocked from carrying out the activity. Is this particular to Republic of Benin or a glitch or general problem? I wasn’t getting this in Nigeria or have never gotten this in other places where I’ve drawn roads. Please look into this and thanks on advance.