MaLaSpeaks Houston Meetup

MaLaSpeaks Houston Meetup

Siphon Coffee

701 W Alabama St, Houston, TX 77006, USA

August 11, 2018 @ 11:00 (CDT)

Greetings Houston Local Guides, I am excited about the upcoming event in August 11th @11am-12:30pm. My name is MaLa I am a native Houstonian who loves to meet new faces every where I go. This gives us a chance to introduce ourselves to build a community in the Houston Metropolitan area show up and show out. If you are interested we will meet at Siphon Coffee Houston @11am-12:30pm on the outside if weather permits. Please RSVP BY August 5th @12pm to no exceptions to this rule. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Best Regards, MaLaSpeaks!Let me tell your story. MaLa Broussard P.S. In the Subject line put MaLa Local Guide Meet up. Thank you for being apart of my journey!

RSVP here