Making user friendly Google Maps

I love to share photos of different places, adding missing places and small business.

Although I wanted to add name of locally known streets but failed ! In my city a lot of unnamed streets (which streets officialy do not have any name, but they have some local name) are shown in google map.

I would like to share photos to make a difference, to create a visual concept about the place without visiting my experience on different places with google map useres, to let them know what to expect from places known to me. I also try to answer, questions made on my visited place. My city is developing faster, new installations are coming into operation. one can be easily puzzled if he visits the same place just after three or four years. So, I add missing places (New places actually !) to keep update related people. New small business introducing, shifting and closing of old business take place very often. I want to make an irregular visiotr awear of that change. I try to help people to reach their destinations on time without hassle, without asking pedestrians.