The process of making PEESHOK E MAHI in local language mahi mean fish and peesh mean leaf.(date palm/mazari palm)
This process is only applied on the koori mahi(small river fish)because it can me eaten as a whole with out picking the bones.
After the fish is caught first the intestines/internal organs are removed by just pinching the fish on the belly and when you dont remove the internal organs the taste of the fish will be bitter.
When the cleaning process is done the fishes are washed and clean one by one.
After cleaning spices and salt is added for taste.
For this process mazari palm leafs are used (peesh) which are washed to remove the dust.
After washing the leafs the leaf is held infront of fire for few seconds which then release a moisture and the leaf becomes soft and flexible.
When the leaf is ready fishes are put on it and you must take care of the quantity of the fish it should not be more or less because if there are less fishes in the leaf it will be crunchy or dry and if you exceed the quantity the fish will be uncooked or raw meat.
After adding the fishes properly close the leaf and seal it.
These fishes are only cooked on charcoal (ishker) so you cannot use direct fire.
The gap between the charcoal and fish should be 4 to 5 inches.
After peesh is ready you have to put then on charcoal and circulate the peesh like you do in bar b que with passage of time.
After few hours it will be ready to eat.
For batter taste consumed it with brinj.
Except for a good taste it’s also good for health.
The process of making PEESHOK E MAHI in local language mahi mean fish and peesh mean leaf.(date palm/mazari palm)
This process is only applied on the koori mahi(small river fish)because it can me eaten as a whole with out picking the bones.
After the fish is caught first the intestines/internal organs are removed by just pinching the fish on the belly and when you dont remove the internal organs the taste of the fish will be bitter.
When the cleaning process is done the fishes are washed and clean one by one.
After cleaning spices and salt is added for taste.
For this process mazari palm leafs are used (peesh) which are washed to remove the dust.
After washing the leafs the leaf is held infront of fire for few seconds which then release a moisture and the leaf becomes soft and flexible.
When the leaf is ready fishes are put on it and you must take care of the quantity of the fish it should not be more or less because if there are less fishes in the leaf it will be crunchy or dry and if you exceed the quantity the fish will be uncooked or raw meat.
After adding the fishes properly close the leaf and seal it.
These fishes are only cooked on charcoal (ishker) so you cannot use direct fire.
The gap between the charcoal and fish should be 4 to 5 inches.
After peesh is ready you have to put then on charcoal and circulate the peesh like you do in bar b que with passage of time.
After few hours it will be ready to eat.
For batter taste consumed it with brinj.
Except for a good taste it’s also good for health.
@mariazaib we have the same dish… but we make it with banana leaves or young mango leaves.
Hello @mariazaib ,
Thanks for sharing this interesting dish in our Food & Drinks section of Connect!
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By the way I will merge your both identical posts to keep the community organized.