Making a difference to a growing Town with Google My Business

Hey everybody, This is my first post as a local guide so please bear with me!

My name is Sean. I live in South Africa in a town called Polokwane. Approximately three years ago, I was introduced to Google My Business and everything that this amazing platform has to offer businesses.

Fast forward three years and I have personally listed over 300 business in my town and other parts of

South Africa, helping them to verify their listings and make the most of this platform.

My greatest moments in this time has been the numerous thank you messages from business owners

for who this has truly changed their businesses for the better.

Using this platform to help businesses generate more income has become a passion for me, especially

with my own business background and knowing how difficult it can be to reach your target market.

With 300 done and dusted, I can honestly say that this platform has been as much a blessing to me as it has been for the businesses that I have helped. New friends along the way and an economy that has


Here’s to the next 300! have a good one!


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