Make Your Comments More Subjective!!!

Comments are the one of the major part of the connect,

However, we will write different comments on our each other posts. Because we all are different.

During using of connect, yesterday I noticed that we are also able to write our comment’s Subject!!!


That’s amazing.

We have 2 ways to write comment.

(1) Click on Add Comment button.

(2) Click on Other local guide comment’s reply button.

(1) is often choose because our comment is new.

(2) we often choose when we want to give our replies to particular local guides or want to guiding them or want to Solve their queries.

But, during commenting sometimes it is becoming discussing topic, so we all are discussing on some things and share each other experiences, opinion and point of views.

It’s good to choose the topic of your comment,

But do this when you are doing discussion. That is appropriate.

So, Here is the image that’s helps you.

When you try to give your response during discussion, and clicked on reply button, you will shows this type of page.

You are able to see orange rectangular box,

That is comment’s Subject/topic.

You are also able to remove “Re:”.

It is depends on you.

For Example,

My post is regarding Accessibility.

Different local guides are commenting on my posts.

I choose one local guide reply,

He will talking about wheelchair.

So, when I will responding him,

I change my comment’s subject,

My post’s title to

Wheelchair Accessibility.

When you responded the comments, your subject of comments are always your post’s title but when we do discussion, I will suggest you that choose your comment’s Subject.

This is very simple thing, but it’s having good impact on other local guides.

We need to developing this habit during writing the comments.

Few of local guides are know this.

This is really useful.

Looks like,

Connect’s comments are really accessible. :upside_down_face:


Even if it is technically possible, I consider this an extremely bad practice, @KishorMali

I already noticed your behaviour, and I was near to miss your reply, for this very reason, and in total contradiction with the contents of your previous post


If you were refining the topic slightly @KishorMali this would probably be ok, otherwise if your post is unrelated to the original thread its known as thread jacking and is not really good forum behaviour. It is much better to create a new thread for a new subject.



Regarding previous comment of mine,

You got confused. So I reedit my that comment (featuring/trending),

Just slightly editing I did that. @ErmesT

Not for hurt people’s feelings.

I don’t say that not publish your post. I just saying that comment’s subject gives the intent of our point of view. @PaulPavlinovich

For example, I rename this comment’s subject,

“Simplified Thing”.

I already mention that,

did this subject formation when you are discussing anything on different local guide posts.

1 Like

Hi @KishorMali ,

As both @ErmesT and @PaulPavlinovich suggested, this is not an acceptable practice for Connect. Please do not change the subjects of your replies to posts, and do not advise other members to do so. Our community is intentionally set up so that all replies to a post are in a single thread. This is done to help people follow a conversation and keep Connect organized, which is most closely aligned to being thoughtful, as you can read in The 5 core values of Connect. :slightly_smiling_face:

Creating new subjects for replies is not acceptable as it will create a new thread and can bring confusion. Even when a new subject pops up in an existing discussion, you can continue the conversation, that’s ok. When the conversation leads to a very different subject and you don’t find any relevant post via the search function, then we suggest you start a new thread.

By keeping Connect organized and easy for others to follow discussions, we believe it will feel warmer and more welcoming for everyone. Thank you.

I also wanted to let you know that I am marking my answer as solution.


Understood. @Giu_DiB

I will suggest you move this my post to the off topic. Hence, my intention is not hurt to 5 core values of connect.

Being thoughtful,

Why this Re: field is editable?

Why connect team is don’t lock this field?

Hi @KishorMali !

Apologies if you feel that suddenly a number of moderators are coming down on you.

You are an active Local Guide and you have a presence on Connect. We are giving you tips and advice to make sure that you are doing things properly so that you can be a good example to others.

One BIG tip from me and I would actually insist that you do take this on board is that you do not edit your previous comments, replies or posts to the extend that you are changing the meaning of what you are saying.

I have been reading some of your posts and comments and it can be very confusing for me to follow the conversation/discussion properly because you go back and make changes.

It is okay to make edits to posts, comments or replies when you are:

  • Fixing a spelling mistake
  • Fixing a minor grammatical mistake
  • Adding additional information. And when you do this you should be transparent and clear with your edits by clearly stating so. I almost always add the word “Update” and include the date/time before the new text that I’m adding. Sometimes I might even put it in a separate paragraph to mark the new text out clearly.

If you feel that you want to clarify on something that you’ve said in a post, use the Update method.

If you’re wanting to clarify a reply/comment that you’ve written, it is much simpler and better to clarify yourself in a new reply.

In this text centric forum, historical record is very important to a discussion so if you go back and change something, it comes across as if you’re erasing something that you’ve said. And there’s no shame or embarrassment in saying something incorrect and then fixing it in a new reply. Instead, it shows openness and maturity to learn and grow as a person.

I hope you and anybody else reading this post/thread will appreciate the advice given and change the way you normally operate.

Best regards,



Hello @KishorMali ,

Answering your question about why the subject is editable also for single answers and why our team doesn’t lock it: some features are available so Moderators might use them, for specific reasons and when deemed necessary, to improve the experience here on Connect.

About moving your post to the archive, what you published is not off-topic: you posed a legitimate question and the answers clarify for anyone else having the same doubts. My suggestion for the future in similar cases is that you post your thoughts as a question before giving other members recommendations on how to use the forum: Connect Moderators and Google Moderators will always be happy to share their knowledge and their experience with you and with the rest of the community. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @AdrianLunsong for contributing to the conversation. I agree with what you said about editing posts and comments: transparency is always useful and appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for your very constructive and thoughtful reply, @AdrianLunsong .

I wanted to emphasize that editing the heading or text of the initial post or a reply quietly after someone pointed out a mistake or room for improvement without acknowledging it or the person who pointed it out is creating new problems. The post that pointed out the problem will then looks dumb and unnecessary. After experiencing this a few times, I caught myself in copy-pasting the error into my reply to prevent this problem. This is not good.

Another solution is to use the strikeout to make edits suggested by others. This leaves a nice trail and nothing further down will look dumb or incorrect.

We are all here to learn and being honest and transparent about mistakes and corrections is helping others to learn.




I use the Update method mentioned by @AdrianLunsong . @KishorMali you can see how I have done it with both dates and update notes in the leaderboards post.



, :writing_hand: