MAINE! Been there? Want to go? #StateChallenge

#StateChallenge MAINE!


Maine, ME 04736, USA

June 20, 2020 @ 12:00 (EDT)

Virtual meetup to learn about the state of MAINE in the United States!! We will have a trivia quiz with questions pulled from MAINE State Challenge articles published by the deadline following the guidelines at

You do not have to study for the trivia quiz unless you really want to. Join us to share what you know and learn from others about the state of MAINE!

Learn more about the #StateChallenge!!!

RSVP here <<----- Send a note to the email provided in the announcement with the subject of “Maine”. Provide your Connect username in the body text. The trivia game rules and the meeting URL will be sent to you with a Google Calendar invite.


@Denise_Barlock I want to attend your meet up. Please remind me by @ tagging me in a post.


@Dave26 excellent! Please follow the RSVP link above and register. I’m looking forward to talking to you!


The Maine Meetup has room for more attendees, but the meetup cannot allow additional RSVP’s. If anyone wishes to attend but didn’t make it to the meetup post before it was closed, please mention that here and @mention @Kwiksatik or @Denise_Barlock . We will ensure you get to attend the meetup.

@Denise_Barlock I still hope to attend but your issue with RSVP sounds like a security issue. I should be OK as I have added the Meet Up to my calendar. 5pm BST

RSVP here <<----- Send a note to the email provided in the announcement with the subject of “Maine”. Provide your Connect username in the body text. The trivia game rules and the meeting URL will be sent to you with a Google Calendar invite.


HI @Denise_Barlock

I can not find a link to join meet-up :disappointed:


In view of the security issue I am not attending today but would be interested if the MeetUp could be rearranged.


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@Kwiksatik @Denise_Barlock thank you so much! Amazing meet-up!

Firstly I couldn’t understand how I can join… Lol


@JaneBurunina Thank you for joining! I’m sorry it was so confusing on how to join :disappointed: I’m glad we were able to get things straightened out and you were able to join! It was so much fun. Next week will be the same approach with RSVPing via Connect and sending the email. The first 20 will be accepted.

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@Dave26 I’m sorry that it was confusing. We are going to use the same approach with the email to sign up for next week’s trivia quiz. Please RSVP and send an email for Montana. Can’t wait for you to join next week.

MONTANA MEETUP!!! June 27th! RSVP today!!!

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@JaneBurunina it was so great to see you! You absolutely ROCKED those answers. Goodness!

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Hi @Denise_Barlock & @Kwiksatik ,

Today I attend this meet-up and it was amazing and really great time for me with a lot of fun.

Waiting for recap post and next Trivia Quiz about Montana State.

Thank you.

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Thank you so much for coming @KashifMisidia ! You had some really great substitute answers today. Can’t wait for next time!