Capadocia, Turquía
Es un lugar único con un encanto sin igual, además de su historia y cultura sus paisajes te dejarán sin palabras.
Si bien cuesta, madrugar para disfrutar como sale el sol sin duda es un imperdible en esta ciudad.
Existen todo tipo de actividades para realizar en la ciudad, aventura, paseos familiares, románticos, para viajeros solos.
La gastronomía es excelente.
Realmente un lugar que debe estar en la lista de cualquier viajero.
Si necesitan datos o información, no duden en contactarme.
Hasta pronto,
Hi @AmandaUnda ,
That is very interesting. I always wanted to go to Capadocia. I’ve been to Turkey a few times but always to Istanbul.
I would like to know more about your trip. How did you get there? By bus? by car? Is it expensive to get in one of the balloons?
Hi Felipe
You definitly should go to Capadoccia, you can get there by bus, and air.
I recomend you by air to Kayseri (ASR Airport), with Pegasus or Turkish Airlines, the tickets are cheap.
About the hot balloons, normally the balloon flights company offers you a pack including transfers to your hotel from de airport. I paid 130 € total. Prices are around 125 € - 200 € pending on the season.
Also, there are many other attractions there, jeep safari, atv and horses ride and allso another tours visiting other towns close by.
The travel agency i used for that was We Cappadocia Travel.
Hope it is usefull information 
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Hi @AmandaUnda ,
Thanks a lot for all the information, it definitely is going to be really helpful. My biggest concern was to get there because I think by bus is about 12 hours trip from Istanbul. Do you know which would be the best time of the year to go there?
Yes for this reason better by air around 30 € - 100 €.
I think september is a good time to get there. Also for the balloons is necesary to check the wind.
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Hi @AmandaUnda ,
Very well remembered about the wind. I definitely will check it. =) thank you a lot for all the information.
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Hi @AmandaUnda ,
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