when i was student in France , one of my class mates was an exotic and sublime girl coming from Madagascar. she became my girlfriend and we got married 3 years later in ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar’s capital. she made me discover her sublime island with spectacular landscapes. It was my maiden trip on a plane… that gave me a real taste for foreign cultures, foreign languages. I am now travelling all around the world and share my pictures on google maps, giving ideas and good advices. i’ve been using Google maps for a few years , and i have recently reached level 7. So proud of it. I am also using google maps in France , in order to comment nice places, nice restaurants and post as many photos as I can


Wah cerita kamu membuat saya teringat kisah saya dan suami saya @Andries0313 @@@yang merupakan teman satu kantor

Sekarang ini kami berdua juga sering bepergian dengan mengandalkan google map

Seperti dunia dalam genggaman

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Tsara be David !

Mazotoa è !